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Heroin, an opioid drug, targets brain receptors to block pain and induce euphoria. As a central nervous system depressant, it also promotes a sense of relaxation. Highly addictive, prolonged heroin use can result in physical dependence. Commonly administered through injection, heroin abuse can lead to long-term health problems such as liver, kidney, or lung diseases.
Cocaine, a stimulant, elevates dopamine levels, creating a pleasant feeling and increased energy. Due to its quick onset and short duration, repeated use heightens the risk of addiction. Commonly snorted or smoked, cocaine abuse can cause long-term health issues like panic attacks, psychosis, and heart problems.
A highly addictive stimulant, methamphetamine produces a brief rush of euphoria and energy, leading to a pattern of “binge and crash.” Increased dopamine levels can result in addiction, with the drug commonly administered through snorting, smoking, or injection. Methamphetamine abuse is associated with skin sores, tooth decay, and extreme weight loss.
While legalized in some states, marijuana remains an illicit drug in many areas. It is a psychoactive substance with varying effects, including relaxation, euphoria, heightened senses, or paranoia. Often smoked, marijuana’s psychoactive component, THC, is now found in various forms such as oil and edibles. Despite perceptions of harmlessness, regular marijuana use can lead to psychological withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and irritability.
These drugs alter perception and consciousness, inducing hallucinations or a sense of disconnection from reality. Common hallucinogens include LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, salvia, DXM, and MDMA. Administered through various methods, including snorting, injection, smoking, or ingestion, hallucinogen abuse can result in memory problems, depression, or psychosis.
Household items like solvents, aerosols, gasses, and nitrites are inhaled to produce intoxication and euphoria. Easily accessible and often underestimated, inhalants, including paint thinner and glue, can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, nerves, and brain.