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Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program New Hampshire

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Programs in New Hampshire

Cocaine is among the illicit substances that can result in addiction, bringing about severe physical and mental side effects. Due to the potential for life-threatening overdoses associated with its usage, seeking treatment for cocaine addiction is crucial. Various drug rehabilitation programs are specifically designed to aid individuals in overcoming this type of addiction.

Understanding Cocaine:

Cocaine, a stimulant derived from coca plant leaves, is occasionally combined with other substances like fentanyl or amphetamine, heightening the risk of accidental overdose. Commonly referred to as crack, coke, or blow, cocaine is often snorted in its powder form. Alternatively, it can be smoked, injected when combined with heroin, or transformed into crack cocaine, a crystalline form that delivers a brief yet intense high.
Cocaine induces a euphoric effect in the brain, a sensation that easily leads to addiction as larger or more frequent doses become necessary over time.
Detox New Hampshire

Cocaine Use Statistics

According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), roughly 16.8 percent of adults in the U.S. aged 26 and up have used cocaine at least once during their lifetime, and 1.6 percent reported using it in the past year.
Around 11.4 percent of young adults in the U.S. between 18 and 25 and 0.70 percent of children between 12 and 17 years old have used cocaine at least once during their lifetime.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program New Hampshire

Overcoming cocaine addiction can be challenging, underscoring the importance of exploring professional treatment alternatives. These programs offer comprehensive support, aiding individuals in achieving a full recovery from cocaine addiction.
Various treatment and rehabilitation options for cocaine addiction include:
If you or a loved one is grappling with cocaine addiction, Heartfelt Recovery can provide assistance. Please contact us today for more information on our addiction treatment options.