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Inhalants Addiction New Hampshire

Inhalant Abuse Programs in New Hampshire

Annually, more than 750,000 individuals aged 12 and above in the United States experiment with inhalants. Due to their affordability and accessibility, inhalants present a significant risk of misuse. The abuse of inhalants can result in serious health issues and, in some cases, addiction. Luckily, inpatient treatment programs are available to support you or your loved ones in attaining lasting recovery.
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Inhalant Addiction & Withdrawal

With consistent inhalant abuse, individuals may eventually develop an addiction, commonly known as substance use disorder (SUD). Those struggling with an inhalant addiction may distance themselves from family and friends, skip work or school, and compromise personal hygiene to prioritize obtaining and using inhalants. Attempting to quit inhalant use can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including

Treatment Options

Individuals struggling with any form of substance use often encounter challenges when trying to quit. For those grappling with inhalant abuse, quitting can be particularly challenging given the easy accessibility of inhalants in homes, offices, or stores. If you or someone you care about is facing inhalant abuse, consider seeking help from an inpatient substance abuse treatment program. Recovery is often more successful with the support of a compassionate medical team and in an environment where access to inhalants is restricted. These programs commonly include behavioral therapy, aiding individuals in altering problematic behaviors and cultivating healthy coping mechanisms like meditation, journaling, and exercise. Group therapy, led by licensed mental health counselors, allows participants to share experiences and strategies, fostering mutual support in the recovery journey.

Contact a Heartfelt Recovery specialist to explore treatment options for inhalant abuse.

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